Everyone that is anyone knows that S_LINK90 is a self-admitted shit-stirrer of S.I. in Paltalk, but with some information passed on to me, S_Link90 just might be knocked down to second place shit stirrer by Carmen_.
Again with the proof, trust must be a thing of the past, let's allow Carmen_'s words to speak for her.
LordMercifulVoo: lol
LordMercifulVoo: I don't know how I destroyed Debate Central just because I got my hat back from Dommie and told LittleBit and Abby off.
LordMercifulVoo: Carmen said that I closed Debate Central.
LordMercifulVoo: I did not; Meritman did and I never told him to do so - I told them to talk to Meritman.
LordMercifulVoo: And then I gave Carmen all of the recordings.
LordMercifulVoo: Carmen said she never heard on the tape where Slink called Dommie a psychotic fat bitch.
LordMercifulVoo: That told me that Carmen was bias and had a grudge.
LordMercifulVoo: I played the tape for her and she shut up about that but complained about something else.
LordMercifulVoo: That told me that she was disingenuous.
LordMercifulVoo: She told me that I gave her the recordings because I was trying to poison her mind!
LordMercifulVoo: LOL
LordMercifulVoo: I cursed her out, and told her that if she thought that, then she sshould have never accepted any recording from me.
LordMercifulVoo: She is a stupid ass woman.
LordMercifulVoo: Just outrageous.
LordMercifulVoo: So now....
LordMercifulVoo: Carmen stays in Debate Central or Slink's room and she says she hates Slink.
Not enough proof for you doubters, too one sided? Do you really think The Pratttler would only have that little bit? Read on, my little skeptics.
Carmen_: did you ask Voo to help you open another room while you were still admining in Dommie's room?
S_LINK90: ask him
Carmen_: that's what he says.. I want to know from you if it's true
S_LINK90: i and finished with the both of them
S_LINK90: they are both idiots
Carmen_: okay.. whatever... but please just answer that question.. it'll stay with me.. I won't talk to anyone about it
Carmen_: he has a tape of a conversation with you.. well part of a tape anyway.. and it sounds like you called Dommie a psychotic bitch and are asking him to start a room with you.. is that true?
S_LINK90: well i know it wont stay with you but after that morning when i woke up and dommie pmed all of the admins saying she had "ISSUES" and was gponna close the room down,i had enough of her shit and talked to voo and asked him if he wanted to open another room because i was tired of her bullshit. he said yes if,, she closed her room.
S_LINK90: thats all...
Carmen_: okay
S_LINK90: you have the tape,,i meant every word
Carmen_: shit I missed that last thing you said.. closed the window right when it was coming up
S_LINK90: if and when you finaly get tired of thier shit,, we allways have a place for you hear.
S_LINK90: i said,,"you have the tape,,i meant every word"
S_LINK90: seeya around carms
Carmen_: okay link.. thanks
Carmen_: fyi.. he says that anonymous blog that talks about the rift between all of you and dommie... he says it's yours.. I think HE probably wrote it.. but he's been saying it's you
S_LINK90: hes full of shit,,it aint me.
Carmen_: I didn't think so
These two remarks made by Carmen_ outshine S_link90's best attempts at being number one shit-stirrer in S.I. of Paltalk:
Carmen_: fyi.. he says that anonymous blog that talks about the rift between all of you and dommie... he says it's yours.. I think HE probably wrote it.. but he's been saying it's you (nah this isn't attempt to kick-start a fire between LordMercifulVoo & S_Link90)
Carmen_: okay.. whatever... but please just answer that question.. it'll stay with me.. I won't talk to anyone about it ( just think about it: how did I, The Pratttler, get this information?)
To Be Continued (teaser: recorded audio of S_Link90 requesting LordMercifulVoo to open a room together)
The Pratttler
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