I'm sure everyone remembers LordMercifulVoo being banned from Mainstream Politics in Debate Central (MPiDC), as I'm as sure everyone has heard a rumor or two about who did it and why it was done. You no longer have to guess or wonder which rumor is fact and which aren't, thanks to me, The Pratttler.
Here are the facts:
1>Tucherb was the one to ban LordMercifulVoo
2>Tucherb was responsible for auntykate_1's leave of admin duties in MPiDC
3>LordMercifulVoo did offer Mainstream Politics to DommieGoddess
4>Auntykate_1 adminned fairly and was attacked for her association with LordMercifulVoo
5>MPiDC were informed by paltalk they could no longer use the name MPiDC
6>MPiDC is now once again Debate Central
7>Tucherb is a lover scorned and wanted to settle the score
8> Bobby Boom Boom McGee is super admin in Debate Central to try to keep it going
9>DommieGoddess said she will never return
10>S_LINK90 is loving it and spreading rumors galore
I know you want proof, after all I said provable facts. How to prove this, what a derisory situation I've put myself in...
Yes, I'm fooling you, here is the audio between LordMercifulVoo and tucherb, I think it will speak for itself:
(this is only part one, a teaser if you will.)
That isn't all, do you really think The Pratttler would leave you hanging like that?
Here you can listen to part two, hear how Tucherb accuses LordMercifulVoo of closing down DommieGoddess room when it was meritman
Part Three can't be missed, Tucherb tells us all how he feels about LordMercifulVoo and proves men hold grudges much longer than women
Part Four it really gets luscious as DommieGoddess enters the conversation
And best of all the end, shows LordMercifulVoo can and does apologize when he is in the wrong and how Tucherb became a scorned lover.
Isn't that a wonderful way for LordMercifulVoo to be repaid for his compassion for DommieGoddess when she was being attacked by S_LINK90, LittleBitNotAlot & abby_1312? You don't believe me, The Pratttler!?! Again you want proof? What ever happened to trust? Proof is what you want, proof is what you will get:
LordMercifulVoo: Dommie is in private and crying.
LordMercifulVoo: She didn't know that Slink would talk about her like this.
LordMercifulVoo: She didn't think that Slink would do this.
LordMercifulVoo: She is crying.
LordMercifulVoo: She didn't think that Slink would do this.
LordMercifulVoo: He is an underhanded son of a bitch!
LordMercifulVoo: Slink is like that
LordMercifulVoo: He betrayed her.
LordMercifulVoo: He said I betrayed her.
LordMercifulVoo: Dommie said I could return and admin anytime I wanted after I gave up the hat.
LordMercifulVoo: I honestly did not want to share that tape with Dommie.
LordMercifulVoo: I wouldn't have been a friend if I didn't.
LordMercifulVoo: Share the tape.
LordMercifulVoo: His [S_Link90] ass should be exposed.
I guess in paltalk rooms, as in politics 'There are no permanent friends'.
The Pratttler
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