Just when you thought you have gotten rid of me, I return.
Racist terms on paltalk, in LordMercifulVoo's room? Never I tell you, never. Unless you think use of the 'N' word(s) is racist.
Always with the proof, don't blame me for the following contents.
HOT DOSE: drunken cunt (well at least he didn't use the n-word)
HOT DOSE: One more thing -- (see I told you Hot Dose wasn't an one cell life-form)
HOT DOSE: you're a nigger lover (oh no he didn't I'm sure the admins will get him)
HOT DOSE: May a gang of apoids rape you, if they're into old ladies (another slur!?!, where is Mystic Sea Maiden?)
Mystic Sea Maiden: No racist slurs ( always can count on Mystic Sea Maiden, I'm sure she will get support of her co-chatters)
HOT DOSE: what racist slur (Hmm so many choices)
Mystic Sea Maiden: HOT DOSE: you're a nigger lover (that racist slur, good pick Mystic Sea Maiden, everyone knows that is a racist term)
Mystic Sea Maiden: admins can someone dot Hot Dose? (Admins where are you? I just know there will a chatter to point out Hot Dose slur)
fnthngs: TOS (See I told you so)
fnthngs: Mystic Sea Maiden that is TOS (What!?! It's a TOS to bring to the attention of admins someone broke TOS?)
fnthngs: Mystic Sea Maiden have you read TOS (I must have missed that part of TOS that alerting admins to TOS violations is in itself a TOS)
Mystic Sea Maiden: fnthngs, I didnt say it HOT DOSE did ( you tell him)
fnthngs: TOS (Yes we all heard you scream TOS already)
fnthngs: oh (oh, is that all? after you tried to discredit Mystic Sea Maiden & all you have is oh? Ok I guess that works)
Like I told you, racist terms in Voo's Room, No way!!~~~~~The Pratttler~~~~~
i thought this was a gossip blog. get to the juicy shit. Why did huflungpoo open a competing room against the great slink and 2 way? what is going on? did slink and his super admins, abby, littlebit and high falutin cause another train wreck and he now has lost many of the admins he had?
Actually fnthings is wrong. The "N" word does NOT violate Paltalk's TOS policy. All you have to do is visit an insult room to see for yourself. The word may violate the room owner's requirements for each particular room, but it's certainly condoned by Paltalk if a room owner doesn't mind it's use.
huflung and gbigs wanted to open thier own room. now i have not been in there but people who have have told me they were tired of listening to the democrats that are in my room. in particular r2lib and gogo.
i think they want more of a 1 sided room.
thats what i have been hearing anyway.
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