See Video that even youtube censored.
Sorry but ENOUGH!!!!!!
I'm sick of bullshit lies, sick of people acting like Palin is special, Palin is a token of the republican party, nothing more. Republicans what in the hell is McCain's specific plans to help out the U.S. economy?
See for yourself what Palin 'believes' in
Sarah Palin's Churches and The Third Wave from Bruce Wilson on Vimeo.
24/7 DRAMA
Monday, September 15, 2008
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go there, click on issues then economy.
there ya go.
Muse, since you're a liberal, I feel you may need reminding that Palin's religious beliefs are protected by the constitution. If you don't agree with her beliefs and feel it affects your decision for whom to vote, that's your right as well. The simple truth is, most people leaning that direction don't mind and will still vote for Mccain reguarless of what feeble attempt of attacks you direct in her direction.
On a different note, I feel Obama showed a lack of judgement when making the "Lipstick" comment. I'm sure he wasn't referring to Palin when he made it, BUT he should've been smart enough to know people may possibly take it that way and could possibly use it against him. That in itself shows me he lacks the simple judgement skills that could possibly get him in trouble as a leader while communicating with other cultures around the world. A simple mistake, and a really DUMB one.
She stopped attending that church 6 years ago. I guess she has enough common sense to either change or leave a church she doesnt agree with totally.
drama pro is another rightwing turd.this blog is dying.anyone who can defend the existence of such churches has got few screw missing
She quit church 6 yrs ago? what!!! Less than 3 years ago she had her pastor praying hands on to protect her from witches. Is this the best you can come up with?
I had my Pastor lay hands on to protect me from witches a few months back and; coincidentally, Muse's postings and Aunty Kate's rants haven't upset me since.
Just thought you should know.
Now, if I can just get an Exorcism for Lively Oak and Lyposuction for Snuggles, things should be fine.
The Dragon
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