24/7 DRAMA

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Jesse Jackson reportedly also used n-word in off-air gaffe.
CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- The Rev. Jesse Jackson used the N-word during a break in a TV interview where he criticized presidential candidate Barack Obama, Fox News confirmed Wednesday.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson apologized to Sen. Obama's campaign last week over "hurtful" remarks.

The longtime civil rights leader already came under fire this month for crude off-air comments he made against Obama in what he thought was a private conversation during a taping of a "Fox & Friends" news show.
In additional comments from that same conversation, first reported by TVNewser, Jackson is reported to have said Obama was "talking down to black people," and referred to blacks with the N-word when he said Obama was telling them "how to behave."
Though a Fox spokesman confirmed to The Associated Press that Jackson used the slur, the network declined to release the full transcript of the July 6 show and did not air the comments.
Jackson, who is now traveling in Spain, apologized in a statement last Wednesday for "hurtful words" but didn't offer specifics.
"I am deeply saddened and distressed by the pain and sorrow that I have caused as a result of my hurtful words. I apologize again to Senator Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, their children as well as to the American public," Jackson said in a written statement.
"There really is no justification for my comments and I hope that the Obama family and the American public will forgive me. I also pray that we, as a nation, can move on to address the real issues that affect the American people."
A spokeswoman for Jackson's civil rights organization, Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, said she could not confirm that Jackson used the slur.

I REMEMBER,, the day when rev Al and Jessie stood side by side blasting people for using the "N" word after Michael Richards "aka kramer " from sienfeld.. when he used it during a stand up comedy act. remember that?
Now Jessie wants to cut Obamas nuts off and and calling blacks Niggers.
Oh wait,, i forgot its ok for blacks to call other blacks Niggers.

Till next time


The Pratttler said...

N-word is making a comeback Jessie Jackson said so

MysticSeaMaiden said...

People never seem to quit amazing me

Anonymous said...

"With my close personal feelings for Mark I cannot continue to see the hurtful comments some want to make and I cant stand his family seeing those remarks.

April get ahold of me please I have somethings I would like to tell you about the Rattler and reasons I have no choice."

What a load of shit. Don't you girls have anything better to do with your time? We all know that JC turned the rattler over to Just April weeks before he left paltalk. But I guess when you're insane there's nothing more fun than lying.

Just_April1974 Aka. Mz_Erotic said...

First of all... Mystic... I called, guess you were asleep..sorry I missed ya.

Second of all... Mark/ aka. Jesus Claus NEVER left me control of his blog...that is total bullshit... if JC had ever done such a thing... i would have been certain that something was terribly wrong...and I would have done anything within my power to notify someone that could have maybe helped him closer to home.

Although I feel the loss of JC's blog to be like losing him twice.. I totally understand Mystic's, and Mazrk's family's wishes, and I support them and their decisions.

For the Pratttler... I don't know who you are, but i'm sorry that this was brought to your blog. Thanks for the place to remain in contact off of Pal.


MysticSeaMaiden said...

Annoymous, are you mentally challenged or what? I have no clue where you got the idea anyone me or April were in charge of THE RATTLER months before Mark died.

I really hate dumbasses trying to make themselves look important.

April hun I havent been feeling very well at all and seem to be needing a lot of sleep (the fact I broke a bone in my ankle might have something to do with it)

April tomorrow i will give you a call ok hun.

Anonymous said...

"but we must carry on as Mark wished we would"

would he want us to move to a blog hosted by a racist?

would he want us to close the rattler?

I will honor his memory and not support this racist's blog

p.s. the rattler is full of offensive comments. If you are really concerned about feelings, you'll have to either throw them all out or delete the whole blog! That would be consistant. Otherwise, you have lost all credibility

Anonymous said...

Let's see now. You were concerned about the nasty remarks about Mark so you chose to allow EVERY comment to be posted instead of filtering out out the lousy ones. And then you got upset about the lousy comments YOU CHOSE to allow on the page. So you've decided to close the blog that you PROMISED a suicidal man to keep open. Ya! that makes sense! You girls really need to find something better to do.