24/7 DRAMA

Monday, July 21, 2008

And the Winner Is?

TommyJohnson44, you can't help but love to hate him with him divulging that he's thinking of taking his newly adopted daughter; who happens to be Asian, for surgery to make her eyes look "more American". And who could ever forget his famous statement "radical liberals are a danger to the US and should be sent to Gitmo Bay"?

Today tommyjohnson44 wasn't happy with people thinking he might be stupid, he had to prove it.

What you still don't take me at my word? When have I ever lied to you, my dear friends (if you disregard me calling you my friends)?

I'm always prepared, let me set-up it for you. The topic was McCain vs Obama on supporting the US troops. Mystic Sea Maiden was in rare form taking on everyone and tommyjohnson44 had to bite, something he is now regretting.

Tho' Mystic Sea Maiden and tommyjohnson44 have debated in the past, never before has tommyjohnson44 proven his own stupidity.

Read on my friends, be prepared to be astonished:

Mystic Sea Maiden:come on tommy since Mccain supports the troops name me the bill McCain voted for that support the troops, the troops tommy not the fucking war (Mystic Sea Maiden is asking a question directed at tommyjohnson44, wtf!?!)

Mystic Sea Maiden: tommy look at HR 1585, Vote #241, 7/11/07 (tell me she isn't using factual bills?)

Mystic Sea Maiden: or S Amdt. 3642 to HR 4939, Vote 98, 4/26/06 tell me how mccain voted tommy (well tommy what do you have to say?)

Mystic Sea Maiden: or S. Amdt. 3876 to S.Amdt. 3874 to H.R. 2764, Vote #438 (damn that girl needs to listen to Fox News more, she knows too many facts, better answer her tommy before she gets pissed)

Mystic Sea Maiden: TOMMY READ THIS NAME ME ONE FUCKING BILL MCCAIN VOTING ON THAT HELPED THE TROOPS NOT THE FUCKING WAR (too late tommy, Mystic is pissed off now, I tried to warn you)

Mystic Sea Maiden: come on tommy tell me how mccain voted on those bills (just don't tell her you haven't researched them tommy)

tommyjohnson44: i havent reserached them (does this boy ever listen, maybe he can still get out of this as long as he doesn't say something stupid like he's educated)

tommyjohnson44: i am educated (he sure doesn't listen very well, but he did spell educate right. As long as he doesn't say Fox News or The N..)

tommyjohnson44: the NY Times tells me what i need to know about mccain (...The New York Times, no tommy no!!)

tommyjohnson44: end of story (we can only hope tommy)

tommyjohnson44: BAMP you lose mystic (you just couldn't stop yourself could you tommy? and BAMP??? what the hell is Bamp??? oh I got it bigotted asinine mad puppet, but I thought tommy was talking about Mystic, not himself)

Mystic Sea Maiden: see I knew people supporting Mccain couldnt have researched his voting record thank you tommy for proving it' (and you all thought tommy wasn't good for anything, tho' debating isn't his strong point. maybe no one else will notice)

msvlj703: Tommy i can't even debate you any more you are to ridiculous tonight you showed just how stupid you truly are LMAO (tommy, ridiculous & stupid?tommy I got nothing maybe you should hire Robert Shapiro to defend you?)

Mystic Sea Maiden: msvlj could you believe he said he hadnt research it (research is so over-rated, especially for puppets)

msvlj703: I had no idea Tommy was really that stupid Mystic lol (you didn't, and people say you can't learn anything in chatrooms)

And the winner is???

~~~~~The Pratttler~~~~~


MysticSeaMaiden said...

I am so thrilled someone saw this hehehe

Anonymous said...

How about you LIBO's read HR 4655?

After all it was signed by Bill Clinton.